Free Offline Maps & Guides ئاپەکان

France Offline Map & Weather 5.0
Free Offline Maps & Guides
FREE & OFFLINE FRANCE MAP for drivers and hikers with POIdatabase.
Travel Dictionary 5.0
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Offline travel phrasebook dictionary translator.
Romania Offline Map & Weather 5.0
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Discover Romania with free Offline Map and Guide + Offline WeatherForecast!
California Offline Road Map 5.0
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FREE & OFFLINE CALIFORNIA MAP for drivers and hikers with POIdatabase.
Europe Offline Map & Guide 5.0
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Discover Europe with offline map.
Nice Offline Map Guide Hotels 5.0
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100% FREE and OFFLINE Nice Map & Guide without hidden costs.
World Offline Map Earth Guide 5.0
Free Offline Maps & Guides
★★★ FREE OFFLINE WORLD MAP ★★★ 100% Offline & FREE World Mapwith POI databae. App offer 2 kind of maps - high resolutiondetailed online map - when connected to wifi - less detailed mapfor offline use Our World/Earth offline road map (route map)displays roads and transport and natural geographical information.Offline World map also shows non-automotive tourist routes, anddetailed area around the cities. You can use this map without dataroaming, WIFI Connection and hidden costs! ★★★ All continents: ★Antarctica ★ Africa is the world's second-largest andsecond-most-populous continent. ★ Asia is the world's largest andmost populous continent, located primarily in the eastern andnorthern hemispheres. ★ Australia ★ Europe is, by convention, oneof the world's seven continents. ★ North America ★ South America★★★ 11 LANGUAGES supported: English, german, french, russian,korean, portuguese, spanish, japanese, italian, chinese, thai ★★★CITIES DATABASE App contains cities database. Our search engineworks with all languages, so you can use international or localname of the city. ★★★ FEATURES: - complete offline map with GPSgeolocation (100% offline) - currency converter: euro, britishpound, US dollar, chinese Youan, Japanese Yen, Korean Won, Rupee,Russian Ruble (offline), Thai Bat, Indonesian Rupiah - Phrase Book(Tourist dictionary) - multilingual interface - city finder - serchthe map in any language! - weather forrecast with offline mode -hotels deals (online module) with motels & hostels included -Things to do & trips - Attraction Deals: museums, airporttransports, walking tours, bike tours, national parks,, jungle,food discovery deals, scuba diving, River Cruise, adventure cruise,zoo safari, elephant riding, canoe tours, fishing tours, WineTrails, Thai Boxing Match with Transfers, Speedboat Tours, MountainSafari - POI finder (like: police, motels, gas stations, airports)- News reader with information from most popular newspapers ★★★WEATHER NOW amazing offline weather plugin included! 14 daysweather forecast for every thai cities. Plugin works in offlinemode. Detailed current weather with information about: conditions,temperature, humidity, pressure. With our weather plugin you canset any city or region to get actual weather. Weather is availableall the time in your phone in offline mode. It's realy nice becauseyou don't need to pay for internet connection and roaming. World isa common name for the whole of human civilization, specificallyhuman experience, history, or the human condition in general,worldwide, i.e. anywhere on Earth. In a theological context, worldusually refers to the material or the profane sphere, as opposed tothe celestial, spiritual, transcendent or sacred. The "end of theworld" refers to scenarios of the final end of human history, oftenin religious contexts. A continent is one of several very largelandmasses on Earth. They are generally identified by conventionrather than any strict criteria, with up to seven regions commonlyregarded as continents. These are—from largest in size to smallest:Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, andAustralia World history is commonly understood as spanning themajor geopolitical developments of about five millennia, from thefirst civilizations to the present. World population is the sum ofall human populations at any time; similarly, world economy is thesum of the economies of all societies (all countries), especiallyin the context of globalization. Terms like world championship,gross world product, world flags etc. also imply the sum orcombination of all current-day sovereign states. In terms such asworld religion, world language, and world war, world suggestsinternational or intercontinental scope without necessarilyimplying participation of the entire world.
Florence Offline Map & Guide 5.0
Free Offline Maps & Guides
100% Offline Map & Guide. Discover new places, and browse fullfeatured offline map on your device. Our OFFLINE Map is highresolution, and you can using this map without data roaming, WIFIConnection and hidden costs! 10 LANGUAGES supported: english,german, french, russian, korean, portuguese, spanish, japanese,italian, chinese FEATURES: - complete offline map with GPSgeolocation (100% offline) - attractions list with description& photo (offline) - multilingual city information abouttransport, food, history, airports and many others information likeclima table or eat & events (offline) - currency converter:euro, british pound, US dollar, chinese Youan, Japanese Yen, KoreanWon, Rupee, Russian Ruble (offline) - multilingual interface -hotels deals (online module) - Things to do & trips - POIfinder (like: hotels, restaurants, metro stations, taxi, pubs,pharmacies, parkings, shops, cafe ) - Phrase Book (Touristdictionary) Discover cities and places with our offline app. OurOffline Map & Guide provides you with an easy way to findanything. Browse a full featured offline map on your device andfind your way. FACTS: - Over 450,000 hikers use our apps (iPhone,And. & BB) - Social media sharing plugin - No roaming costs -Multilingual interface & descriptions - Available in 10languages - Adds free - Tablet & retina screen ready SMARTTOOLS: - Mutilingual interface and descriptions the best way toexplore attractions of the city. - Simple Currency Converter. Findthe currency exchange rates and convert world currencies with ourtool. - Lists of tourist attractions. Complete list with mostpopular tourist attractions, monuments and landmarks. - QuickShare. Share your trips, recommend sights and attractions withsocial media plugin. - Hotels booking. Search, save, manage &book best hotels and hostels. Find the cheapest rates for hotelsworldwide‎. - Detailed descriptions. Now you got everything youneed in your phone. Detailed descriptions, maps, nearby hotels andthings to do around selected place. - ToDo. Sightseeing tours,attractions, excursions, things to do and fun activities Florence(Italian: Firenze) is the capital of the region of Tuscany inItaly, with a population of about 366,500. The city is considered acultural, artistic and architectural gem. In all, Florence hassomething over 80 museums. Among those at the top of most lists arethe City hall, the Palazzo della Signoria (aka Palazzo Vecchio), awonderful building with magnificent rooms and some great art; theArcheological Museum, the Museum of the History of Science, thePalazzo Davanzatti, the Stibbert Museum, St. Marks, the MediciChapels, the Museum of the Works of Santa Croce, the Museum of theCloister of Santa Maria Novella, the Zoological Museum ("LaSpecola"), the Bardini, and the Museo Horne. There is also awonderful collection of works by the modern sculptor, MarinoMarini, in a museum named after him. If you are interested inphotography, you should not miss the superb collection of works bythe early photographers, the Alinari brothers. The magnificentStrozzi Palace is the site of many special exhibits To get a greatoverview of the city, you have plenty of choices: climb the dome ofthe Cathdral or Giotto's Bell Tower which is much easier or headfor Piazzale Michelangelo a large parking lot on the hillside justsouth of the center of town, or climb a bit further to the churchof San Miniato al Monte, a sublime 11th century masterpiece, withsuperb Renaissance scultpures. At vespers, the monks add to thebeauty with chants.
India Offline Map & Weather 5.0
Free Offline Maps & Guides
Discover India, Delhi, Mumbai with Offline India Map & Guide.
Rome Offline Map Guide Hotels 5.0
Free Offline Maps & Guides
100% Offline Map & Guide. Discover new places, and browsefullfeatured offline map on your device. Our OFFLINE Map ishighresolution, and you can using this map without data roaming,WIFIConnection and hidden costs! 10 LANGUAGES supported:english,german, french, russian, korean, portuguese, spanish,japanese,italian, chinese FEATURES: - complete offline map withGPSgeolocation (100% offline) - attractions list withdescription& photo (offline) - multilingual city informationabouttransport, food, history, airports and many others informationlikeclima table or eat & events (offline) - currencyconverter:euro, british pound, US dollar, chinese Youan, JapaneseYen, KoreanWon, Rupee, Russian Ruble (offline) - multilingualinterface -hotels deals (online module) - Things to do & tripsDiscovercities and places with our offline app. Our Offline Map& Guideprovides you with an easy way to find anything. Browse afullfeatured offline map on your device and find your way. FACTS:-Over 450,000 hikers use our apps (iPhone, And. & BB) -Socialmedia sharing plugin - No roaming costs - Multilingualinterface& descriptions - Available in 7 languages - Adds free- Tablet& retina screen ready SMART TOOLS: - Mutilingualinterface anddescriptions the best way to explore attractions ofthe city. -Simple Currency Converter. Find the currency exchangerates andconvert world currencies with our tool. - Lists oftouristattractions. Complete list with most popular touristattractions,monuments and landmarks. - Quick Share. Share yourtrips, recommendsights and attractions with social media plugin. -Hotels booking.Search, save, manage & book best hotels andhostels. Find thecheapest rates for hotels worldwide‎. - Detaileddescriptions. Nowyou got everything you need in your phone.Detailed descriptions,maps, nearby hotels and things to do aroundselected place. - ToDo.Sightseeing tours, attractions, excursions,things to do and funactivities Rome is a huge city with severaldistrict articlescontaining sightseeing, restaurant, nightlife andaccommodationlistings — consider printing them all. Rome (Italian:Roma), theEternal City, is the capital and largest city of Italyand of theLazio (Latium) region. It's the famed city of the RomanEmpire, theSeven Hills, La Dolce Vita (the sweet life), the VaticanCity andThree Coins in the Fountain. Rome, as a millenium-longcentre ofpower, culture and religion, having been the centre of oneof theglobe's greatest civilizations ever, has exerted a hugeinfluenceover the world in its c. 2500 years of existence. TheHistoricCentre of the city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Withwonderfulpalaces, millenium-old churches and basilicas, grandromanticruins, opulent monuments, ornate statues and gracefulfountains,Rome has an immensely rich historical heritage andcosmopolitanatmosphere, making it one of Europe's and the world'smost visited,famous, influential and beautiful capitals. Today,Rome has agrowing nightlife scene and is also seen as a shoppingheaven,being regarded as one of the fashion capitals of the world(some ofItaly's oldest jewellery and clothing establishments werefoundedin the city). With so many sights and things to do, Rome cantrulybe classified a "global city".
Barcelona Offline Map & Guide 5.0
Free Offline Maps & Guides
100% Offline Map & Guide. Discover new places, and browsefullfeatured offline map on your device. Our OFFLINE Map ishighresolution, and you can using this map without data roaming,WIFIConnection and hidden costs! 10 LANGUAGES supported:english,german, french, russian, korean, portuguese, spanish,japanese,italian, chinese FEATURES: - complete offline map withGPSgeolocation (100% offline) - attractions list withdescription& photo (offline) - multilingual city informationabouttransport, food, history, airports and many others informationlikeclima table or eat & events (offline) - currencyconverter:euro, british pound, US dollar, chinese Youan, JapaneseYen, KoreanWon, Rupee, Russian Ruble (offline) - multilingualinterface -hotels deals (online module) - Things to do & tripsDiscovercities and places with our offline app. Our Offline Map& Guideprovides you with an easy way to find anything. Browse afullfeatured offline map on your device and find your way. FACTS:-Over 450,000 hikers use our apps (iPhone, And. & BB) -Socialmedia sharing plugin - No roaming costs - Multilingualinterface& descriptions - Available in 7 languages - Adds free- Tablet& retina screen ready SMART TOOLS: - Mutilingualinterface anddescriptions the best way to explore attractions ofthe city. -Simple Currency Converter. Find the currency exchangerates andconvert world currencies with our tool. - Lists oftouristattractions. Complete list with most popular touristattractions,monuments and landmarks. - Quick Share. Share yourtrips, recommendsights and attractions with social media plugin. -Hotels booking.Search, save, manage & book best hotels andhostels. Find thecheapest rates for hotels worldwide‎. - Detaileddescriptions. Nowyou got everything you need in your phone.Detailed descriptions,maps, nearby hotels and things to do aroundselected place. - ToDo.Sightseeing tours, attractions, excursions,things to do and funactivities Barcelona is a huge city withseveral district articlescontaining sightseeing, restaurant,nightlife and accommodationlistings — consider printing them all.Barcelona is Spain's secondlargest city, with a population ofnearly one and half millionpeople (nearly five million in themetropolitan area) and thecapital and largest city of Catalonia.This city, located directlyon the northeastern Mediterranean coastof Spain, has a richhistory dating back at least 2,000 years whenit gained prominenceas a Roman town under its old name, Barcino. In1992, Barcelonagained international recognition by hosting theOlympic games whichbrought a massive upturn in its tourismindustry. This had theeffect of changing the city in ways that arestill felt today withneighbourhoods renovated (and in some caseslevelled) and theintense focus of modern design permeating allaspects of life inBarcelona from public buildings to something assimple as a parkbench or an event poster. For visitors, this hastranslated intothe very modern, yet incredibly old city you see nowin the 21stcentury, where the new elements work to both preserveand celebratethe ancient. This beautiful city is full of whatEuropean citiesare known for (outdoor markets, restaurants, shops,museums andchurches) and is fantastic for walking with an extensiveandreliable Metro system for more far-flung destinations. Thecorecentre of town, focused around the Ciutat Vella ("OldCity")provides days of enjoyment for those looking to experiencethe lifeof Barcelona while the beaches the city was built uponprovide sunand relaxation during the long periods of agreeably warmweather.
Amsterdam Offline Map & Guide 5.0
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100% FREE and OFFLINE Amsterdam Map-Guide without hidden costs.
Japan Offline Map Hotels Cars 5.0
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Discover Japan with free Offline Map and Guide + Offline WeatherForecast!
Seoul Offline Map Guide Flight 5.0
Free Offline Maps & Guides
100% FREE and OFFLINE Seoul Map & Guide without hidden costs.
Hong Kong Offline Map & Guide 5.0
Free Offline Maps & Guides
100% Offline Map & Guide. Discover new places, and browsefullfeatured offline map on your device. Our OFFLINE Map ishighresolution, and you can using this map without data roaming,WIFIConnection and hidden costs! - complete offline map withGPSgeolocation (100% offline) - attractions list withdescription& photo (offline) - currency converter -multilingual interface- hotels deals (online module) - Things to do& trips - POIfinder - Phrase Book (Tourist dictionary) Discovercities andplaces with our offline app. Our Offline Map & Guideprovidesyou with an easy way to find anything. Browse a fullfeaturedoffline map on your device and find your way.